Our programs

Traditional Scouting uses outdoor recreation to promote strong values, build self-confidence, and promote healthy, active living, developing the next generation of leaders. Our programs are open to young people age 5 and up (from September to December, children who will turn 5 before the end of December may join). Our programs are open to everyone. Boys and girls participate in the program together. Our programs are non-religious. Among our members we currently have atheists, agnostics, Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, and people without an identified religious affiliation.

Our programs are entirely outdoors. We meet in parks and conservation areas central to Waterloo Region with easy access from the expressway. Program meetings are every two weeks during the day on weekends. We maintain a safe environment including COVID-19 safety measures.

Registration for new members is open year-round. Your child may try out the program by attending a couple of meetings for no cost. The annual registration fee is $160; weekend camps are usually $50. We believe that Scouting should be available to everyone. We keep costs reasonable and are committed to providing financial support where it is needed to ensure all young people are able to join Scouting.

The Scouting Method

The Scouting Method consists of several innovative educational ideas. The Law and Promise to put the values of Scouting into simple language that young people can easily understand and apply to everyday situations. In Scouting, young people learn by doing. They are given real challenges and given the skills to meet those challenges. The adult leadership ensures that the challenges are at the right level, that the young people have the skills they need, and that safety is taken care of so that the young people will always be safe. Scouting activities are progressive, building new skills on old ones as the young people grow and develop. Personal progression is marked with badges that are earned for completion of various requirements and mastery of skills. Young people in Scouting do most of their activities in small groups which bring together new and experienced members. The more experienced members provide leadership and training to the younger ones, under the supervision of the adults. Everyone has the opportunity to develop and put into practise leadership skills. The program is supported by uniforms, badges, ceremonies, and stories which help to communicate the key ideas of Scouting and make it attractive to young people. Scouting takes place primarily in the outdoors. Out in nature, young people learn about our dependence on the environment and their mutual interdependence on each other. Members participate in community involvement activities which connect them to their local, national, and international communities.

Connected to the past, building the future

In 1907, Lord Baden-Powell of Gilwell lead the first Scouting camp on Brownsea Island in Poole Harbour, England. At the camp, he tested his educational ideas. That fall, he started writing the book Scouting for Boys which was published in six parts starting in January, 1908. The book outlines his training scheme to help develop young people into happy, healthy, useful citizens. His revolutionary educational ideas quickly spread around the world, both throughout the British Empire and in other countries. Young people enthusiastically took up playing the Game of Scouting. Adults saw the value that Scouting provides, teaching them skills and values that help them develop into well-rounded, capable, caring adults ready to the take on the challenges of the modern world.

Scouting Waterloo Region is one of many Traditional Scouting associations around the world. Together, we carry Baden-Powell’s vision into Scouting’s second century, keeping true to the original purpose and values of Scouting while adopting the latest standards in safety, child protection, environmental responsibility, leadership skills, and outdoor skills.

Our association

Scouting Waterloo Region (SWR) is an all-volunteer registered charity, number 799696802RR0001. You may be interested in our 2024 annual report, 2023 annual report, or 2022 annual report.