Toboggan safety

Unsafe sledding can be a cause of serious injuries, in particular, head injuries. On a hill that is free of obstacles like trees, these injuries typically happen as a result of riders colliding with each other or being hit with a heavy sled.

  1. Only use hills that are free of obstacles and with a open area at the bottom for stopping.
  2. Feet first: This luge or bobsled, not skeleton.
  3. One person on each run at a time (there could be multiple parallel runs). No sleds with more than one person. No multiple sleds at the same time. Wait until the last person has move off the run before the next person goes down.
  4. No heavy sleds such as wood or aluminum toboggans or GT Racers. Foam toboggans are the best.
  5. Avoid large jumps and be cautious on any jump, keeping within your abilities.
  6. Adult supervision must be in place to ensure these safety rules are followed.